Monday, December 16, 2013

New adventures of Isis #1

New Adventures of Isis When research assistant Theresa Adams was called away from her translation, of an ancient Egyptian tablet, in a university lab, she was hoping it was not just another, in a series of, Egyptian jokes. The twenty-five year old had grown more than annoyed at the abundance of "mummy" jokes, and other slurs, made against her Egyptian heritage. To Theresa, it was like "So what?", if she was of Egyptian blood. It was a fact that her family had been in America for 150 years. Was it her "fault" that she was born into a family which was of Egyptian ancestry? As Theresa walked towards the deans office, Theresa recalled the last two times when she was called away from her work. The first was a "call", to authenticate a mummy. A mummy which, upon her arrival, had risen from the exam table, even as Theresa tried to examine it. It had danced around the room while a group, of laughing observers, was saying "Mummy, just wait until daddy gets here". The other call was for her to translate a tablet. It would take Theresa all of five minutes to realize that the "directions" were to a local bar. After the tablet fiasco, Theresa had filed an official complaint, claiming harrassment of her ancestry. This is why she was skeptical, and did not even walk fast, even though, allegedly, summoned by the dean, himself. Theresa had, already, warned campus security that any more "mummy" jokes would lead her to take her complaint to the formal police department. Leaving the research building, for the administration building, Theresa looked up, and saw lights, and movement, in the deans office. Question was, was it the dean, or some prankster? When the 5 foot 10 inch brunette, with the athletic build, wanted to, she could stand as tall, and imposing, as any pharoah. Many people even claimed that, if she wore the robes, Theresa could, easily, pass for Egyptian royalty. When she entered the deans outer office, Theresa was relieved when she found the deans secretary at her desk. Theresa hoped this meant that this was a REAL call. When the secretary told Theresa "Take a seat. The dean will see you, in a moment", Theresa took a seat. When called into the deans inner office, Theresa was happy to see the dean. Her joy ebbed, though, when he produced a tablet, which was good enough, in creation, that she had to examine it, for ten minutes, before realizing it was a fake. When she called it out, as a fake, the dean said "Very good. So you DO know your Egyptian heritage, dont you?. Just as advertised" Yes, Theresa had known, from a very young age, that she was descended from a very old line, of Egyptian blood. She just wished people would STOP reminding her of it. She remembered how her parents had "drilled" ancient Egypt into her, from a young age, until she was fluent in both HIGH, or religious, Egyptian, and the more common language. It would not be until she mastered the Egyptian languages that her parents taught her the English language. As a result, from her earliest school years, Theresa was the only student she knew who could speak three languages, effortlessly. She had learned the reason, for the lessons, when relatives, from Egypt, had visited. No matter which language the adults used, Theresa could keep up with them. Ofcourse, in college, this knowledge became a kind of "curse", as Theresa found herself correcting teachers, and their mis-interpretations, of heirglythics. The teachers would say nothing, when Theresa's translations turned out to be correct. This garnered Theresa the nickname of "Little Egypt", thus indicating she was in a minority, since she could read the language even better than the teachers. Her teachers did not, often, take her corrections lightly. In atleast two cases, teachers had given Theresa a failing grade, after she corrected their translations. This is when the dean got involved, along with the university regents. The regents had been prepared to, fully, back the teachers, and to reprimand Theresa, but only until the dean decided to check her work, for himself. When he did so, he found that Theresa was in the "right", and that her teachers were just upset that a student was correcting them. Once the dean got the teachers to admit the truth, he had Theresa's "failing" grades reversed. This is where the "mummy" jokes, and fake tablets, had come from. On this day, though, the dean told her that the fraud had been just a test. To see if her reputation was really well earned. He, then, guided her over to an eight foot tall tarp, which rested against a nearby wall. When he pulled the tarp away, he said "Now, we get serious. Can you translate this?" Theresa recognized the writing as the priests language, immediately. When the dean asked "Well?", Theresa read it off, as easily as most people read "See Spot run". Theresa read about a jungle, a river, paths, giant snakes, and glowing eyes, upon the river waters. She realized that this tablet did not speak of her ancestral homeland. The writing was the same form, but Theresa knew there was no such place, in the deserts of Egypt. Next, she read about a "fortress", and "great power". Theresa had thought that the tablet referred to one of the ancient cities, of South America, but the words "fortress", and "great power" were carved in such a dominant way, as to emphasize the words. Like the way a priest would. Theresa then remembered some of the tales, of survivors, walking out of jungles, half-crazed, from lack of food, and water. One, such, story which never failed to get laughs, was the story of one man, who said he found a place, of buildings, so immense, and so beautiful, as to put modern architecture to shame. He claimed the inhabitants had computers, which could read minds. He also claimed "they" had a power station, which used something more powerful than anti-matter, to produce power, and a transmitter, which could call as far as the Andromeda Galaxy. The biggest laugh, of all, though, was the story of the space port. There, the man had said, a fleet of ships rested. Some of those the man spoke with asked him "Why did you have to walk out? Why didn't you ask them for a lift, in a space ship?" The man insisted that he had escaped, NOT been let go. He continued to claim that "If they find me, they WILL kill me, to keep me from talking". Back in the present, the dean was saying "Theresa, I know how you feel, about your heritage, but just think how you could help a current expedition." When Theresa asked "What expedition?", the dean said "The one which followed these directions, and found something which they do not understand". When Theresa asked "Like what?", the dean said "They found a place, rigged full of traps, identical to those used by your ancestors, the Egyptians". Theresa asked "What do you need me for? I have never even been to South America", the dean said "You know more, about the religious language, of the temple priests, than anyone else. All the team is asking for is aid, in moving past the traps, and finding whatever is being protected. Once you help them past the traps, you are free to return to your work, here on the campus." When Theresa said "Dont tell me. River boats, and dirty riverboat captains here I come?", the dean smiled as he said "You have seen too many movies. You forget that this is the twenty-first century. We have a plane, which will deliver you to the site, in just a few hours time. No boats, no alligators, unless, ofcourse, you want them". After the meeting, the dean gave Theresa just two hours to pack, before having a university car drive her to the airport, where she boarded a private jet, and set out, for South America. Four and a half hours later, Theresa's transport plane was in hover mode, over a landing pad, as Theresa looked out a side window, at the jungle. The flight attendant cautioned Theresa that, after the air conditioned plane, the jungle heat, and humidity, would be like a punch in the face. Theresa thought "swell". Because her ancesters had been raised on the dry, air, of the desert, Theresa was advised to use a breather, upon exiting the plane, until she acclimated to the humidity. When she met the team leader, Theresa felt none too good, about the trip, or what was to come. She knew, from magazine articles, that this man took chances, and great risks, including risks, to his teams, just for the publicity, of great finds. She would not feel comfortable, around him, or his reputation, for im-patience. When the team began its trek, into the jungle, Theresa thought she heard some "familiar" sounds. The question was: "How could that be? She was city born, and raised, in America, of Egyptian ancestry. She had no links, which she knew of, to this jungle climate. Prior to entering the "incident area", Theresa noticed some partially hidden stones, which had Egyptian carvings on their surface. When her guide asked "So? Just engraved rocks. Who cares why they were being stylish?" By translating the the engravings, though, Theresa was able to follow the directions from one slab, to a second slab. On the second slab, which had become partially overgrown, and had to be chopped clear, Theresa found directions to a third slab. On the third slab, she found the directions, for disabling the entrance traps. As Theresa told the team leader, the first slab was a welcome, for the faithful. Those who saw, and understood, the first slab, were, then guided to the second slab, on which was engraved a message of the dangers of the "fortress", as created by the "great designers". At the bottom, of the second slab, were directions, for the religious, for reading the third slab. On the third slab, written in religious text, were the directions for both the setting, and for the de-activation, of the traps. What annoyed the sites "experts" was how easily Theresa had found the slabs, and then how easily she found each of the mechanisms, which controlled the traps. Once de-activated, Theresa said "Its safe,now", yet the team leader said "After you", as if he didn't trust Theresa. When she crossed the "field" safely, then turned and asked "Are you coming", the team followed her. As they proceeded towards the base, of a small mountain, Theresa realized why her parents insisted she learn the priests language. Somehow, her parents had known that this day was coming. Theresa made a note to ask her parents HOW they had known, upon her return to the states. Although there was the obvious presence, of a cave, partially hidden under some over-growth, when some team members wanted to look inside the cave, Theresa said "So long. It was nice knowing you". When the team leader asked Theresa "Are you trying to be funny?", Theresa said "Not at all. I just know that these symbols, carved here, tell that the cave is a false entrance. It is a death trap to any who are foolish enough to enter." A couple of hours later, Theresa found the REAL, and sealed, entrance, to the "fortress". The team would have to dig its way inside. When they did, two days later, the team found themselves standing in a large chamber, on whose walls were carved even more of the ancient symbols. Theresa then remembered what her grand-father had said, about various, ancient, architects, and how they had designed rooms, in the distant past. As grand-father had said "The ancestors were no fools. They not only laid out traps, for un-suspecting "visitors", but they left detailed messages, for the faithful. All in plain sight. All we have to do is read, and understand". When one man ignored Theresa's caution, to stay to the outer walls, the man found himself run-through with a staff, from a hidden crevice. A staff so sharp, so clean, and so quick, it took the man a few moments to realize that he was dead. As a result, moving along the walls, Theresa assisted in translating several, false, passages, before coming to the passage which she sought. The one which held the message: Great Power held within. Be Cautious When the team moved the slab aside, they found another sealed corridor. In this corridor, though, the earth was softly packed. Digging further into the mountain, Theresa emerged into another chamber. This one, however, was religious, in tone. This is why Theresa urged even more caution. This is why the team obeyed. No one else wanted to be run-through. In the chamber, was a raised altar, with a light overhead. On the floor were slabs, rising, at a gentle angle, from the floor, to the altar, on four sides. While the team finished emerging from the entry, Theresa was studying the slabs, on the walls, and reading the story which was engraved upon their surfaces. If what Theresa read was true, this place claimed to hold the "essence" of a great, and godly, figure. A person whom the gods had sent, to help the people, when troubled times came. According to the slabs, though, once the "darkness" was gone, however, the ancients had been surprised when the god had not returned to the heavens. The god had decided to remain on Earth, and "enjoy" themselves. The god had thought that they could have "fun", with the mortals. To the gods annoyance, though, the mortals proved too frail. After enough people had died, the survivors had "risen up", and defeated the god. After that, the god had been imprisoned in this place, for "all eternity". At the bottom of the slab were a set of instructions, in case anyone wanted to "chat" with the god. With care, Theresa read the directions, then chose the "correct" slab, to step up to the altar. Once on the altar platform, Theresa had just turned, and was looking up, into the overhead light source, when a bright, white, light, washed over her, consuming Theresa, and causing the team to blink, and shield their eyes. When the light dissolved, the woman, standing before the team, on the altar, was NOT in the field uniform, which Theresa had worn. Now, a woman wore a white dress, short skirt, and jewelry, typical of ancient Egypt, stood before them. When the woman looked about the chamber, the team noticed that even her make-up was Egyptian. When the woman looked upon the team leader, she seemed to come to a conclusion. This is when, in a reflective voice, she said "You speak English. I am Isis, daughter of (whatever god), Goddess, and Protector of the natural world. What year is this, and why have you entered this place?" When the team leader said "Its 2013", then added "Just WHO was Isis?", the woman seemed to take offense at the use of the word "was". When she said "Was! How dare you. I AM Isis, and Isis is eternal", the chamber, and the mountain, shook. As the woman stepped down, from the altar, the team members tried to sneak up, behind her, but only until Isis told them "Tell your men not to borther. Isis knows their thoughts". She then effortlessly tossed some of the men aside, then removed some gold braids from her waist. Flinging the braids at the men, everyone watched as the gold wrapped itself around the mens wrists. When the woman then walked toward the entry, two men tried to head her off, but they, too, were thrown aside, effortlessly. The team leader then watched how, with just some hand motions, the woman caused the entry to expand its size. The team then followed the woman out of the mountain, and stared, dumbfounded, as she looked towards the sky, and said "Mighty Horace, I join you in flight". With that, she would rise from the ground, as gracefully as a ballet dancer. A few minutes later, she vanished from view. Later, as the team was making its way back to its camp, they found Theresa, collapsed, in the jungle. Taking her back to camp, Theresa told the team what she remembered, up to the point of looking up, into the light source (which she said looked like a diamond). As the team prepared Theresa for her trip home, and further, medical, examination, Theresa found herself having memory flashes, of ancient Egypt. After passing out, again, Theresa would report feeling as if she had just finished visiting ancient Egypt. On the flight home, and during her physical, Theresa kept seeing a face. A womans face, inside her mind. Ironically, it would not be until after Theresa had returned to her dorm room, that the woman came to her in, of all places, her mirror. When Theresa looked into the mirror, the woman identified herself "I am Isis, and I am one with you." When Theresa asked "Thats great! Now, what is this? Do I have a vengeful god stalking me?" Isis would only say "Do not believe all which you read. Everything is based upon a point of view". When Theresa asked "Does this mean you start controlling me? Make me do sacrifices, and so on?", Isis smiled back, saying "Foolish mortal, we, of the gods, will not make you act against your will. You have been watching too many of those things you call movies". When Theresa asked "What, then, and why me?", Isis would say "You are of true Egyptian blood. You CARE about the past, and about the world. THIS is why you were selected". When Theresa asked "Selected for what?", Isis would say "When you need me, just call my name in this way "Oh, mighty Isis, come to me", and I will come". After that, the face vanished, and Theresa saw her own reflection. Over the next several days, Theresa gave no more thought to what had happened. She did learn that the rest of the team reported to the university that they had found "nothing of interest", in the caves. It would not be until weeks later that Theresa would be attacked, and pursued, by a local mugger, that she would even consider the recent events of her life. Although she would manage to elude her attacker, she could SENSE that harm was close at hand. Add to this not being armed, and not knowing what else to do, Theresa decided she had nothing to lose. Although she tried to whisper the words, the call came out, as if a cry, to the heavens, as she called out "Oh, mighty Isis, come to me". A moment later, her attacker found her, yet stood dumbfounded, as the light absorbed Theresa, then dissolved, leaving Isis in her place. When the theif saw Isis jewelry, and said "Hey, lady, hand over the jewelry", Isis smiled as she said "Foolish mortal", then, effortlessly, tossed him aside. After that, when her senses told her that trouble was afoot, Isis would call out "Mighty Horace, I fly with thee". With the same elegant step, Isis would rise into they sky, leaving the mugger wondering what he had seen, as she traveled to the source of the trouble. Looking down, from the sky, Isis would see arsonists setting a building on fire. When she set down, on top of a nearby building, and, in a bold, clear, voice, would say "Oh, mighty Zeus, I call upon thee to wash this place with the mighty waters, which bring life to all things". Even as Isis spoke, her jewelry began to glow, brightly, as the element, of water, was summoned, in great sheets, to wash the fire away. Below her, the arsonists would run for cover, as the flash flood washed away the flames. Once the fire was extinguished, and the rain ended, Isis jewelry would fade to its regular colors. She would, then, take to the sky, again, and vanish. The following morning, Theresa would awaken, in her room, to news that a strange woman had caused a local mugger to turn himself in the previous night. According to reports, which the radio announcer laughed at, the mystery woman was dressed like an ancient Egyptian. "According to police, the mugger turned himself in, after being "attacked" by a woman, in a white dress, and wearing plenty of old jewelry". "In an oddly similar case, a couple reported seeing a similar woman, in a white dress, and wearing plenty of jewelry, at the scene of a freak flash flood, which, oddly enough, seems to have averted an arson attempt". When Theresa looked into the mirror, Isis looked back. With a smile, Isis faded, and Theresa was there, again. Theresa was grateful when no one thought to question her, about that night, especially since she had no alibi. Theresa was left to wonder if this was a "gift", or a "curse". "Oh, mighty Isis" indeed.

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